Montana Grain Growers Association

The Montana Grain Growers Association is proud to be an advocate for Montana agriculture. For over 55 years, MGGA has been recognized as the grain industry leader in Montana. We are the only agricultural organization dedicated solely to representing the interests of Montana wheat and barley producers. Working specifically on the issues critical to our growers’ success like crop insurance, the farm bill, federal and state regulations, transportation and rising input costs, MGGA has had a long history of extraordinary success. Our honesty, integrity and hard work have earned us the respect of our congressional delegation, state legislators and administrators at all levels.

But the backbone of MGGA is our membership…progressive producers and agribusiness partners working together with a common goal to improve the profitability of Montana wheat and barley growers. Our members represent over 5.5 million planted acres across Montana and provide direction to the organization through an elected board of directors and an annual policy development process. Together we help agriculture remain Montana’s most important industry.